Palestine – Women launch “Warmth” initiative to make woolen clothes for poor


Location: Gaza- Palestine

Language: Arabic

Voice: Natural

Duration: 00:04:50

Source: A24       

Restrictions: A24 Clients

Dateline: 22-02-2022


Twenty-three women joined an initiative dubbed “Warmth”, after Fatima Abu Hatab, the initiator, posted about it on social media.

The initiative aims to sew woolen clothes and make toys to distribute them to children and poor people amid the cold weather conditions in the country.

The volunteers said that this initiative doesn’t belong to any party or institution and that they hope to obtain support from some organizations to develop and increase production, especially if new equipment, machines, and quantities of wool were provided.


  • (SOUNDBITE) Fatima Abu Hatab – Initiator:

“”Warmth” initiative, aims to help the poor during winter. A person died in the past period from the cold. The news was shocking and new as we never heard about anyone dying from cold. It was hard on me, so I thought of making a piece of woolen clothes that others may use. The initiative is a personal effort. I am myself, and some women work on it. We don’t belong to any institution. I hope to obtain support from organizations so these initiatives grow and continue. I hope to receive machines that make woolen pieces on their own as they save effort and time. Also having a larger number of volunteers or we get larger quantities of wool will make the process easier. The pieces that we offer are woolen scarves, dresses, and jackets. We also make toys and full suits for children.”

  • (SOUNDBITE) Umm Fares Al-Ghoul – Volunteers:

“Fatima published on social media about an initiative. We work for patients, children with cancer, the elderly..etc. We make scarves, caps, and any woolen piece”

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