Tunisian government worry of Isis fighters crossing border if foreign military action is taken

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Different levels in Tunisia are concerned due to the forthcoming international military intervention on Libya, which aims to fight against terrorist organizations there, and are these fears are in sectors of health, infrastructure and economy and most notably on the security level such as the likelihood of infiltration of ISIS organization to Tunisia.

Fears in Tunisia are due to the upcoming international military intervention to eliminate the terrorist organizations and ISIS in Libya, began hanging over the Tunisian street from the reception of thousands of refugees from Libya and big consequences and burdens carried by it.
The Tunisian preparations for this crisis is incomplete, as this will affect the humanitarian, economic, social and health standards, as well as great pressure on the infrastructure for providing natural living conditions for the displaced from supplies of food and medical materials.
The biggest of these concerns reflected on the security level, and concern about the infiltration of ISIS members and their sneaking into Tunisia especially that there is a conviction of the existence of weapons stores and sleeper cells of ISIS in Tunisia, which might prejudice the security and social system alike.



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