Kasserine Unemployment protests result in clashes with Tunisian security forces

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New protests erupted between the protestors and security forces of Kasserine city in the Mid-West after 3 days from its initial start as they protested unemployment and living situation. Tunisian security forces used tear bombs on protestors when they tried to break in the security forces centers of the city.



Kasserine City licated in the Mid-West of Tunisia is witnessing the 3rd consecutive day of the protests of the people seeking job opportunities to improve their living conditions as the city people are living in poverty. The protests erupted on January 16 when a young man committed suicided by electrocution protesting not listing his name in the unemployed list which led to the gathering of unemployed infront of the city municipality leading to violent attacks between the people and security resulting in curfew imposed by the city.
Protestors purposely cut the main roads leading to the city and they burned a dozen or rubber tires leading the security forces to release tear bombs. The protests reached other cities such as Feryana, Majel Balabbas and Haydera. It is worth mentioning that Kasserine was one of the cities with revolution sparks in 2011 beside Sedi Bouzeid city.



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