Syrian religious scholars appealed to world scholars to condemn expiatory fatwa

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The religious scholars are still demanding moderation in North East Syria after their struggles from extremism of expiatory groups and now they’re appealing to the world scholars to condemn those Fatwa that praises terrorism.





After what the Islamic world is witnessing with the appearance of Expiatory groups and their fatwa amid the absence of the Islam moderation to clarify the religion and its principles.

Religious scholars of North East Syria and after their struggles with religious extremism and extreme groups, they appealed to Alazhar and the Saudi Shura council scholars and the international union of Muslim scholars to condemn the expiatory fatwa and to stand against those who say what defiles Islam.

They also added that today’s sufferings are due to extreme thoughts which serve a certain purpose of a specific group and it is the duty of famous Muslim scholars to give Fatwa against those groups that encourage killing the innocents.


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