Tunisia – Street Art emerges in Tunisia’s Avenue Habib Bourguiba


Location: Tunis – Tunisia
Language: Arabic
Duration: 00:03:32

Sound: Natural
Source: A24 Tunisia
Restrictions: A24 Subscribers
Date: 09/06/2022


Street art has emerged in Tunis as a new way for Tunisian painter Saif Al-Din Al-Jbali to share creativity and positive messages with people

Jbali, who is an electrical engineer, chose Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis as an open space to showcase his art.     

He told A24 News Agency’s reporter that he chose Avenue Habib Bourguiba, a symbolic street for Tunisians, to communicate an emotion, mood or atmosphere with people around him.

Munia Zaqqam, a Tunisian citizen, told A24 reporter that Tunisians love such wonderful initiatives that show the country in a beautiful image.

Jbali’s spontaneousinitiative is one of its kind in Tunisia, as street art is only seen in European countries.


-Soundbite with (Saif Al-Din Al-Jbali – Electrical engineer and painter):
“I have loved painting since I was a child, and this initiative came out of spontaneiety. I love painting in public spaces. I chose this street because Avenue Habib Bourguiba is a symbolic street for Tunisians. Being here on this street is an opportunity to meet people, and to paint in a public space, which is different from painting in a closed space. What I paint in open spaces is shared with everyone, as if we are all painting together, the energy here is greater and more intensified.”

-Soundbite (Munia Zaqqam – Tunisian):
“I saw such initiatives outside of Tunisia, but this is the first in Tunisia. It is a wonderful initiative. Tunisians love such initiatives that show the country in a classy and beautiful image.”

-Soundbite with (Saif Al-Din Al-Jbali – Electrical engineer and painter):

“This experience has developed little by little the relationship between me and the people who watch my art. In Tunisia, this is a phenomenon, it is kind of a surprise for people, who raise questions as to what my art is and why I do it here. Sometimes people laugh at me but I have learned to accept their reactions. I have also found encouragement in those who express happiness from seeing my art. All these experiences been a process of communicating with people.”

-Soundbite with (Saif Al-Din Al-Jbali – Electrical engineer and painter):
“Avenue Habib Bourguiba is our exhibition and workshop. It is for everyone. It is a street of life, art and freedom. A street that brings us all together.”

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