Bangladesh – Bangladesh bears brunt of climate change amid rising temperature, sea levels


Location: Dhaka, Khulna, Sundarban

Language: Bengali

Voice: Natural

Duration: 00:05:58

Source: A24

Restrictions: A24 clients

Dateline: 27.01.2022


Bangladesh is among the countries starting to be affected adversely by climate change, including the rise in temperature and sea levels, as well as the more frequent floods, irregular monsoons and increase in cyclone intensity. Environmentalists say the country’s location and its flat and low-lying topography and high population density have all contributed to more severe climate change effects. Many farming lands were submerged by water, which has since been used for everyday use, causing allergies and diseases. Alimoon Razib, who runs a clinic, said that water borne diseases such as Cholera and diarrhea have become more rampant because of waterlogging, adding that it is becoming more difficult to control the spread of these diseases. Mujibar Rahman, Deputy Agricultural Officer, said that after a cyclone hit the country, salinity in water has gone up, killing crops and making farming impossible. Climate change is challenging the country’s resources and killing its flora and fauna, directly affecting food security. Prof. Md Harunur Rashid Khan of the University of Dhaka said even though Bangladesh is not a polluter and does not contribute to climate change, it is left to deal with its worst effects.

Shot list:

-(SOUNDBITE) Ashraf Murul, erosion-affected villager in Ashasoni, Satkhira

“That was the road (showing water of the erosive river) of the village. We had huge lands. At the time of strong Ampang, (name of the cyclone), we were affected a lot. Few of us left the place.”

– (SOUNDBITE) Abdus Sattar Sardar, farmer in Ashasoni, Satkhira

“Our whole area was submerged by water, creating waterlogging. We did not have any other option but to take our bath in those waterlogging. The logged water is responsible for our different allergenic diseases and body infections in our body. See on our hands, legs, waists and backs. Allergies and infections would be all over our bodies.”

(SOUNDBITE) Mr. Alimoon Razib, CMCP (Certified Medical Coding Professional) Korikahonia Community Clinic

“Specifically people are getting infected by waterborne diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, dharma, jaundice etc. These sorts of diseases had never been that noticed before in this area. It is getting difficult for us gradually to control the allergic diseases. We will not be able to control these sort of diseases through the First Aid based treatment we used to give. Women are suffering from these water borne diseases. Women who are taking baths in waterlogging are suffering from leucorrhoea, which we did not get that much before. ”

(SOUNDBITE) Mr. Mujibar Rahman, Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer, Ashasoni, Satkhira

“After Ampang [name of cyclone] two scientific officer came from Satkhira Govt. Laboratory. I was also there. Salt rate in the water is more than 20 ppt, and generally, crops need 7-8 ppt salt rate in the soil. Due to this excessive presence of acidity in soil, cultivation is rendered almost impossible.”

– (SOUNDBITE) Hafez Mohammad Moinul Islam, Imam, Hawlader Bari Baitun Naz Jame Mosjid lost due to river erosion, Ashasoni, Satkhira

“This was Pratapnagar Hawlader Bari Baitun naz Jame Mosjid [mosque]. This was wiped off by the force of water due to the collapse of the Pratapnagar Dam. There were seven houses around this mosque. All had been wiped off.”

– (SOUNDBITE) Rashida Begum, effected woman on the Dam

“Previously, our home were near the bank of the Dam. After that home was wiped off after the collapse of the dam, I, along with my disabled husband, were allowed to be here for six months. Now we are homeless.” 

– (SOUNDBITE) Md. Rabiul Islam, Fisherman

“We used to catch fish here. There were many fishes here named Ruhi, Katla, Bagdha; lots of those. We lived our life off fishing. Now, there is no fish around here because of the salty water, except for small prawns, and that is it; no others are available.”

– (SOUNDBITE) Prof. Md Harunur Rashid Khan, Department of Soil, Water & Environment, University of Dhaka

“Human migration and increased soil salinity in the coastal area makes a negative impact on the crops of that area and habitat changes are the immediate effects of the Climate Change.  If we can develop saline tolerant variety the issue would be reduced a lot. Bangladesh is not that much responsible for climate change. We are suffering from climate harm activities done by the rest of the world.”

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