Palestine – Continued refusal of the annexation of the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea….And the process has started three years ago

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Ramallah – Palestine 16/06/2020

The palestinian official and popular attitude remains edifying in the face of the Israeli government’s decision to annex the areas of the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea from the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority had announced immediately after the U.S. approval of this resolution that it had removed all the agreements signed with Israel and began, according to officials, a plan of political and diplomatic action to mobilize the international community against the annexation and stop it, residents of the Border Area with Jordan in the east of the West Bank, noted that Israel has began the annexation process three years ago but has only announced it recently, confirming the construction of 28 settlements, 18 army training camps and training sites with the aim of subsequently seizing the land, borders, and water sources.

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