Palestine: Italian chefs teach Gaza women the secret of “Pizza and Pasta”

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Gaza- Palestine – 3/6/2016

Three Italian chefs came to Gaza Strip through Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing to start workshops to train Palestinian women and cooks to teach them the secret of the pizza, pasta and Italian dishes preparations. Their visit to the sector is also in solidarity with the besieged population for the tenth year in a row.

Three Italian chefs came to Gaza Strip through Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing to start workshops to train Palestinian women and cooks to teach them the secret of the pizza, pasta and Italian dishes preparations especially with the holy month of Ramadan approaching. Their visit to the sector is also in solidarity with the besieged population for the tenth year in a row.

Italians chefs and confirmed that they are seeking through these workshops to build a bridge linking Italy to Gaza and to take the Gaza people out of the siege morally and their presence is in solidarity with the besieged population.

Gaza Chefs expressed their appreciation for the Italian experience without leaving Gaza in order to learn the art of cooking Pizza and Pasta with the red and white sauce since the Italian chefs made it easy for them to learn inside Gaza.



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