Iraq: Group Marathon for Childhood.

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 Erbil- City Center/ Iraq – 2/6/2016

Erbil marathon organization for sport, peace and the child protection organized a Group marathon in Kurdistan with participation of 500 children, in the occasion of child festival in Erbil.


Erbil marathon organization for sport, peace and the child protection organized a Group marathon in Kurdistan with participation of 500 children, in the occasion of child festival in Erbil.
Eventa and activities Preceded the start of the marathon such as painting and singing and distribution of gifts for children who come from different religions and sects coexisiting in Erbil giving them joy and happiness.
Children parents see that the generation of children grew up in an unstable environment witnessing waves of violence rocking the country which will affect them negatively in their future under the unstable security situation.



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