Palestine: Agriculture on rooftops in Gaza has become a haven for the poor

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Agriculture on the rooftops in Gaza became an important sanctuary after the decline of agricultural land due to the bulldozing by the Israeli army on one hand and the urban sprawl on the other hand


Agriculture on the rooftops in Gaza became an important sanctuary after the decline of agricultural land due to the bulldozing by the Israeli army on one hand and the urban sprawl on the other hand

The Palestinian Samia Abu Saud (Um Muath) relied on international aid to secure her needs before but today she is able to stand on her own through the “family centers” for developmental work with the support of the German government, through the planting of small region of her home rooftop in Albraij Camp in central Gaza, which has become a small crop of mushrooms to become the main income source for her and her family, and is now sustaining her family of ten members in addition to her husband, a patient who is unable to work.

Um Firas Maghari is not much different from Um Muath who also benefited from the roof of her house for agriculture, and now owns a project to increase the income that her husband brings. She grows mint, basil, Rocca and tomatoes, and even though it is a small project but is abundant, the economic situation in Gaza is difficult, but today she can work from her own home.

Experts say that support must increase on urban agriculture in Gaza because they use and re-use of existing and neglected urban resources to enable community members to get a fresh and safe food, and contribute to the generation of employment opportunities for the residents of the sector where unemployment spread and the poverty rate reached up to about 70%



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