Yemen: Dozens of dead and wounded in two bombings in Aden

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More than 40 people were killed and others wounded in two bombings which targeted two consecutive headquarters for volunteers’ recruitment to the Yemeni army in Khor Mkasar district in Aden in southern Yemen.


More than 40 people were killed and others wounded in two bombings which targeted two consecutive headquarters for volunteers’ recruitment to the Yemeni army in Khor Mkasar district in Aden in southern Yemen.

The attack took place while the recruits lined up to join the military service in Khor Mkasar area of the coastal city, which government backed up by Saudi take as a temporary capital as they are attempting to liberate Sana’a from the hands of Al-Houthi group. ISIS organization claimed responsibility for the bombings which targeted the headquarters for the recruitment of volunteers in the Yemeni army.



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