Tunisia: Creativity transformed a garbage landfill into a cultural center, “Country Scent”

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Mr. Saad Al-Zawawi established a special cultural center called (Country Scent) as a unique gesture in Tunisia and the Arab world, where Al- Zawawi built a cultural epicenter on the ruins of garbage dump to create a masterpiece in a new destination for creators of youth.

Mr. Saad Al-Zawawi established a special cultural center called (Country Scent) as a unique gesture in Tunisia and the Arab world, where Al- Zawawi built a cultural epicenter on the ruins of garbage dump to create a masterpiece in a new destination for creators of youth.

Center also contains multiple rooms for theatrical performances and artistic creative meetings featuring a moving theater dedicated to musical and theatrical performances, and can accommodate two hundred seat embellished innovative and modern accessories and lighting reflecting the atmosphere of authenticity and tradition are harmonious combination between the present and the past.

And the idea of set up of this cultural project, Mr. Saad said that his love of art and Tunisia is the first motivation to accomplish this modern teacher, after the emergence of what is known as investing in the cultural sector, and despite the exorbitant cost of this project, but the owner believes that his dream was realized to be a reason to recognize the young generations Tunisia’s cultural heritage


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