Palestine- Civil engineer graduates turn olive waste into energy

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Gaza sector- Palestine 04/11/2019

Graduates of civil engineering in Gaza Strip have converted the residues of the age of olive known as “peat”, into a means of generating alternative energy and heating, as an alternative to firewood, and that’s intension to get rid of the environmental and economical problems, such as the accumulation of olive residues in the contemporary scattered in the sector and benefit from, in addition to providing job opportunities for young people, especially in light of the difficult economic circumstances experienced by the people of the Gaza Strip, and the owners of the project are able to produce about a ton of cubes “peat”, that will be ready to use in the field of power generation and heating, and also the owners of the project pointed that the project targets factories working on alternative energy, and poultry farms that use “peat” to set fire to heat in dedicated iron barrels, as well as home fireplaces.


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