Tunisia: Arab Maghreb foreign ministers discuss the Libyan crisis.

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The closing session of the thirty fourth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Arab Maghreb Union, was held in the Tunisian capital, Tunis, to take decisions regarding the Libyan crisis and to emphasize that the solutions in Libya must be resolved internally without any foreign interference.

In the thirty fourth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Arab Maghreb Union talks have been made about the tireless efforts made by both Tunisia and Algeria in order to move OS government to the Libyan capital Tripoli, where the Council reiterated its full support for this government for directing its functions and fulfilling its responsibility in fighting terrorism and securing the borders as well as improving the conditions of the Libyan people.

For their part, the foreign ministers of the Arab Maghreb Union countries emphasized on their absolute rejection for any military intervention in Libya, considering the Libyan security and stability same as the security of the Maghreb Union countries. They also agreed to give the utmost importance to fight the phenomenon of terrorism, human trafficking gangs and drugs.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Taieb Baccouche, the former Tunisian Foreign Minister was announced as the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union after Mr. Habib Ben Yahia



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