Iraq: Exemption of Green Zone security official in Baghdad

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi, exempted the commander of the Special Forces Lieutenant-General Mohammad Reza responsible for the security of the Green Zone from office after failing to secure the Iraqi parliament building after the storming of protesters to the parliament.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi, exempted the commander of the Special Forces Lieutenant-General Mohammad Reza responsible for the security of the Green Zone from office after failing to secure the Iraqi parliament building after the storming of Alsadr protesters to the parliament.
Readers views varied to the crisis of the Baghdad security Some opines that Lt. Gen. Mohammad Reza acted rationally in terms that a peaceful solution was the best option, rather than the use of arms against the protesters. Others went to regard the exemption of Lt. Major general from office sends a letter from the Iraqi government to demonstrate the ability of the security situation in Baghdad’s control.
It is noteworthy that there is a heavy security presence in the Green Zone in the corner after the dismissal of Gen. Mohammad Reza from office.


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