Iraq: Nineveh Youth between immigration and displacement.

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Field studies conducted by local and foreign civil society organizations among the displaced people of Nineveh province, revealed that young people from all religious components and national minorities aspiring to emigrate out of the country after losing hope for the reform of the difficult living conditions and the delayed liberation of their areas in Mosul and Nineveh Plain.

Under the title “Immigration…. war of another kind.” Field studies were conducted by local and foreign civil society organizations among the displaced people of Nineveh province, revealed that young people from all religious components and national minorities aspiring to emigrate out of the country after losing hope for the reform of the difficult living conditions and the delayed liberation of their areas in Mosul and Nineveh Plain.
Local and international organizations backed by the European Union are struggling to work in order to find appropriate solutions and urged governments to reform the conditions of minorities in Mosul and speed up the liberalization of their areas and provide suitable ground stability to enable them to return to Mosul and other areas.


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