Venezuela – Similar scenarios in Syria and Venezuela
Caracas – Venezuela + Washington – United States 31/05/2019
The scenarios in both Syria and Venezuela are very much alike, where the Syrian president, Bashar Al Assad, has pointed out that what is happening in Venezuela is similar to what had happened in Syria, during his recent meeting with Venezuelan Minister of People’s Power for Foreign relations Jorge Arreaza, who pointed out that the tools and steps used by anti-Venezuelan countries are the same as those that were used to ignite the war in Syria, the civil war scenario between Maduro and Guaido in Venezuela appears to be closer to political solutions than the 2011 Syrian people’s uprising against President Bashar Al Assad, where many Venezuelan people are increasingly demanding the resignation of Maduro, however the military establishment’s opposition to Guaido and its unequivocal support for the legitimate President Maduro, along with the lack of public responsiveness and the erosion of popular support for Guaido has hampered his plan despite the American propaganda against Maduro, the economic and political crisis and the disorder in the country since 2015 have led to the emigration of about 2 million citizens, similar to what has been going on in Syria since the beginning of the Arab Spring, which have led to the exodus and emigration of millions of citizens, analysts noted that Russia’s absolute support for the political and economic aspects in Syria and Venezuela have had a a significant impact on the cohesion of these countries and preventing the collapse of their governing regimes.