Libya – Armed clashes continue south of Tripoli (Exclusive Footage)

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south of Tripoli – Libya 29/04/2019

Al-Khala area, southern the capital Tripoli, has been witnessing nonstop armed clashes between the forces of the Government of National Accord on one hand, and the Libyan Army Forces led by Marshal Khalifa Haftar on the other hand, where both sides used heavy and medium weapons, as Haftar’s forces pushed towards Salahuddin area, Tripoli. It is noteworthy that the south of Tripoli has been witnessing continuous clashes for over 20 days, forcing 38,900 people to flee the area since Haftar’s forces launched an attack to seize Tripoli on April 4, as reported by the International Organization for Migration, not to mention that the clashes killed over 250 people and injured over 1,000 people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

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