Syria Hopes of getting rid of ISIS on Independence Day.

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Syrians celebrate Independence Day on the seventeenth of April of every year, which has a great significance to the Syrians as it represents the anniversary of liberating their country from the occupation authority.





The withdrawal of foreign troops from the territory of Syria, on the seventeenth of April 1946 has become Independence Day, which is at the same time the National Day of Syria and the anniversary of liberation from brutal occupation authority, and evacuation in the linguistic meaning expresses the clarity and eviction, a great meaning in the minds of the Syrian Arab people.

Each year at the beginning of spring, Syrians recall regaining their freedom, their grief comes back at the same time because of war that infect Syria by the terrorist ISIS, and they hope to repeat this anniversary by liberating every inch of the occupied land.

Prayers of the return of Independence day along with the liberating Al- Qamishli in southern Syria because the country’s stability and independence is a decisive factor in any future development

Syria is still offering the martyrs on the altar of freedom in each attack, in this global war waged by all the countries of the world, Syria has bequeathed to us by the fathers of independence and it is imperative that we leave it to our children as the country of security, peace and prosperity



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