: Jordan Jordanian government denies breaking into The Islamic Brotherhoods headquarters

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Jordanian security denies breaking into the headquarters of the Islamic Action Front in Jordan’s capital, Amman, indicating that the security agencies were informed that someone was messing around with the stamps of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, which recently shut down by the Jordanian authorities, while the Action Front confirmed the intrusion attempt.




The Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani explained during a press conference that the Jordanian security agents went to close the unlicensed headquarters that belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, and not to close the Islamic Action Front’s headquarters in Amman, Jordan, the minister stressed that the Islamic Action Front is a licensed pary inn the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, noting that security forces went to the building of the unlicensed headquarter of the Muslim Brotherhood, which led to dealing with members of the Islamic action Front.

In his turn, said the Shura Islamic Action Front Party member Fouad Hdaib that the Islamic Action Front headquarter have been broken into by the Jordanian security forces, he condemned it and siad that it’s difficult to consider it as an individual mistake, and in the same context, the official spokesman of the Islamic Action Front Murad Adayleh explained that the situation in Jordan needs more prudence stressing the need to make an apology by the government to prove that it is a government of law and institutions.



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