Yemen: Closure of borders preventing the entry of aid to Taiz

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Representatives of the armed conflict sides in Taiz governorate in the southern sid of Sanaa signed an agreement on Saturday to a ceasefire between the two sides and to stop the rebels from targeting civilians, and the most important part of the agreement was the terms of opening of border crossings to the city of Taiz for the entry of food and medicine aid to the people of Taiz, but the Houthi militias and Saleh did not comply with this agreement and continue to close the border crossings.





Within the new efforts to lift the siege from Taiz province, south of the Yemeni capital Sanaa and after the repeated Houthi violations to the ceasefire truce that was announced on the 10th of this month, representatives of the resistance in Taiz governorate forces signed an agreement with representatives of the Houthi militias that have surrounded the province provides for a ceasefire and to end targeting of civilians and the main points of the agreement is to open eastern border crossings between Taiz and the capital Sanaa and the opening of the rest of the province crossings also, for the introduction of food and medicine aid to the people of the besieged city for more than ten months.
According to eyewitnesses, the Houthi militias and Saleh has not adhered to this agreement and launched mortar shells at close to the Thabab border crossing and on civilian neighborhoods, and at the same time, citizens in Taiz are still looking for a truce not to be breached to end the war in Yemen



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