Syria: Kurdish child day

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  Steer Organization and Youth and Students Union in the northeast of Syria, celebrated the occasion of Kurdish Children’s day after an ubruption of more than three years due to the war in Syria.




After an abruption of more than three years, a group of youths and Studens Union set up a celebration on the occasion of Kurdish child’s day, which used to be held every year on the tenth of April. They painted a smile on the faces of children who suffered a tough life and have been denied many of their rights due to the war in Syria.

The ceremony began with a series of Kurdish folkloric songs and dances and a theatrical show, and a group of children participated by throwing poems. In addition to a cultural competition and giving away gifts for winners.

Cheering those children’s hearts away of war and destruction was all these young people meant to do, as they considered spreading joy and happiness in their innocent hearts as a duty.

It is worth to mention that Kurds celebrate Child’s Day every year in the tenth of April, as children are the secret of happiness and the future of the nation.


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