Palestine: Exhibition for pigeon fanciers in Gaza

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Pigeon fanciers in Gaza organized an international exhibition for ornamental and exotic species found in the sector, with the participation of hundreds of people to inform the community of the types of pigeons in Palestine and the types imported from abroad.



Pigeon fanciers raise various rare species of the pigeons for two reasons, either profit through competitions and trade or a satisfaction for a psychological desire. In Gaza, people exploite this talent to prove that Gaza is still alive in front of the whole world, through the gallery of decorations and pigeon species in Gaza.
Pigeon fanciers in the Gaza organized an international exhibition with participation of hundreds of pigeon breeders all over Gaza, and the participation of Foreign countries who sent armors and blessings, such as Egypt, Jordan and other countries who sent telephone congratulations because of the risks imposed by Gaza blockade which affected their attendance.
The exhibition includes different types of decorative colorful pigeons catching the eye of the beholder homing the rare doves with special institutions distributed all around the world with varying prices.



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