Syria: Kurds views on Parliament elections

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A number of Kurdish parties in the city of Al-Qamishli, northeastern Syria objected to holding the parliamentary elections announced by the Syrian regime to be held in the thirteenth of this month, because of the situation in Syria and suspending Geneva peace talks between the regime and the Syrian opposition. While other Kurdish parties announced their participation in the election.



A number of Kurdish parties that fall under the Syrian National Coalition have rejected to hold the parliamentary elections announced by the Syrian regime to be held in the thirteenth of this month, because of what the country is witnessingof war and destruction. Those parties have called for the cancellation of the elections and await the outcomes of Geneva conference between the opposition and the Syrian regime, they also confirmed that these elections are far from reality and does not mean anything to them.

Kurdish parties that call themselves the internal opposition have announced their participation in the election being an institution for the people and not the regime, refusing to leave a constitutional vacuum.



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