Tunisia: drafts a resolution to ban ” Niqab”.

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The issue of preventing women from wearing The veil In public places returned. Schools and colleges, is floating on the surface again in Tunisia after a group of representatives tended to put forward a draft law to prohibit hiding the face in public places for security reasons.



The project of forbidding women from wearing the veil in public places made by vice-free mass,which announced the founding of a new party called Tunisia project movement, after ther resignation from the ruling Neda’a Tunisia party following sharp disputes. And it’s the third of tge parliamentary blocs of the Tunisian parliament for twenty-two seats.

Considering what was experienced by Tunisia of terrorism fears after number of suspended casesof terrorist suspects, some of them deliberately wear the veil to hide or to transfer information to armed groups in the mountains and the borders, which led the supporter representatives of preventing the veil law to the activation of this project, which may help authorities in the fight against terrorism.

While the opponents to this law justify that wearing niqab is a personal freedom guaranteed by the Constitution, where the Tunisian law does not state in any chapter of it on the prevention of wearing the niqab.
It is noteworthy that this law will be presented in the next few days with a plenary session of the parliament for approval, amid differing attitudes towards the feasibility of this law.



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