Teachers continue their strike in the West Bank to improve their lives.

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Thousands of teachers continued their strike for the 2nd week as thousands of them gathered in front of the Palestinian government headquarters in Ramallah demanding their rights in improving their living conditions as they were promised since 2013 by the government and the Palestinian ministry of education.




The teachers strike in the west bank continued for the 2nd week as thousands of them gathered in front of the Palestinian government headquarters in Ramallah demanding their rights in improving their living conditions as they were promised since 2013 by the government and the Palestinian ministry of education.

The Palestinian Ministry of Education still stalling the rights of teachers since 2013 to this day; giving them half of their rights in 2013, and postponed the other half of 2016, which they did not receive it yet, Their rights are to improve the living conditions of teachers, and give them bonuses and grades owed and raise the newborn and wives bonuses as well as the protection of basic rights which the dignity of the teacher



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