Conflicting views about the Syrian truce Agreement

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In a survey for the Syrians on the truce agreement that has been reached between the United States and Russia excluding the truce against ISIS and the Nusra front. Syrians expressed their rejection and the lack of optimism of the truce Agreement and the lack of seriousness of the international community in the cease-fire, while others are optimistic about Agreement of truce to stop the bloodshed in Syria.




The Syrian views on the truce agreement between Russia and United States varied, and the truce stated that the fighting ends between the Syrian opposition and the regime forces starting February 27 but the truce excludes fighting ISIS and Nusra front. The agreement is a mystery and it is not known if it would succeed or fail which is what the Syrians said in North east Syria as they are not optimistic of the truce and the seriousness of the agreement.



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