Quran teaching schools shut down in Tunisia to stop extremism.

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Quran kindergarten in Tunisia started after the revolution and the decision to close some raised a wave of criticism and public attention, especially in the absence of law and the increasing fear of the structures concerned with children.




Quran kindergarten in Tunisia started after the revolution and the legitimacy of these places raised criticism since they deal with children between the ages of 3-6 years. These kindergartens is not subjected to any law which increased the fears of concerned individuals which led to the closure of some of the places after accusing it of offering programs that support extremism and violence.

The workers of these kindergartens condemned this act since the decision to close was generalized and the accusations does not represent them since they are supported by educational institutions and they teach and raise children with sport activities.
Religious figures in Tunisia had a different opinion since learning Quran cannot be forbidden in any Muslim country and such decisions cannot be made but Kinndergartens must be under supervision to eliminate extremism.



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