“Our Children” Deaf organization provides Gaza markets with Unique Handicrafts.

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“Our Children” Deaf organization is one of the Greatest achievements in Gaza as they invest into the people with special needs, teach and train them with special care to make them successful productive youth and enable them to care for themselves and their families.




“Our Children” Deaf organization is one of the Greatest achievements in Gaza as they aim to improve the life of the people with hearing loss and enable them socially and teach them so they can have a decent life and create job opportunities for them as well.
The organization cares for the deaf at an early age and provides them with education, rehabilitation and vocational training to enable them to work at puberty and then work within the organization with high professionalism and then introduce their crafts of Furniture, food services and handicrafts to the market.
“Our Children” provides many programs serving individuals and their families with academic education for more than 300 students as they teach them sign language and prepare them to be teachers.


 To download the video here

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