Land mines implanted by ISIS threaten farmers lives in Aleppo

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ISIS followed the same policy in every location they controlled by implanting mines in lands and homes which is negatively reflected on agriculture in Aleppo countryside. These mines have been imposing danger to the lives of farmers there.




Since the advancement of ISIS organization in Aleppo countryside they started implanting mines in the regions they control the matter which was reflected negatively on Aleppo countryside agriculture since it started threatening the lives of farmers.
Aleppo countryside farmers insisted on planting their lands despite the dangers from the thousands of mines implanted by ISIS to stop the advancement of the free army. The battles continue over more than 60 Km between the free army and ISIS organization in Aleppo countryside ruining hundreds of agricultural acres. Mines were also implanted randomly on the roads between the farms which led the free army to remove them in their own way. Aleppo residents depend on agriculture with 70% but most of the farmers left their land due to war and whoever stayed needs to live with fear of explosion of mines.


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