Fear of terrorists exploiting Tunisians peaceful protests.

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Tunisia witnessed a week of peaceful protests in areas and sabotage in other areas. Despite the different geographic areas but protestors agreed on their social and economic demands concluded in equitable development among the parties, operations with the specificity of each state.



The protests widened in Kasserine which is considered one of the poorest and least developed towns where people are suffering with hard economic and social situation that worsened with growing terrorism in Sha’anbi Mountain which homes many terrorists.

Protestors closed roads and burned rubber tires which were answered back with tear bombs from security forces which led to many injuries in both sides. All protestors agreed on their demands in requesting job availability and increase salaries.

The Tunisian president Albaji Qaed Essebsi addressed these movements and called them legitimate and normal from youth struggling with unemployment and marginalization and he added that there are parties behind these movements especially after some protestors vandalized and stole properties, he also addressed many political opposition parties and analysts with criticism and disappointment.

The ministry of Interior imposed a curfew of 8pm-5am as they wait for decisions from the government to face these protests.


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