Distraught father recalls the execution of his three sons by ISIS

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The painful daily journey of Khaled Tahan as he remembers his three excuted sons by ISIS.





Multiple pictures of pain and misery of Syrians in areas over taken by ISIS where parents mourn the loss of their children in this cruel war that killed their dreams before killing them.
Khaled Tahan wakes up daily with a painful scream for a year and a half and he starts his mornings with the smell of his sons who were excuted by ISIS after their marriage in a few months. He starts his day with visiting his sons homes and check on their wives.
He then continues his journey towards that wall that holds the blood of the sons of his village Ratyan and feels their blood and smell it to keep them alive in his memories.
Then he continues to the place where he buried them in the nearby graveyard and cries until he returns home to wake up to another scream the next day.


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