Umayyad palace historical witness to the successive civilizations in Amman

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The Umayyad palace is one of the ancient palaces built during the Umayyad era at the Northern hill of the Citadel Mountain. It has an Islamic attractive architecture where the walls are drawn with Islamic art of the Umayyad time.






The Umayyad palace is one of the most important historical sites in Jordan located at the Northern hill of the Citadel Mountain which was a site of the government of many civilizations like the Roman, Byzantine and the Umayyad. The palace was built with the leadership of Alyazeed Bin Abdul Malek on ruins of the Romans who resided at the area in the 16th and 17th century and the palace constitute of a number of rectangular rooms with an architectural dome ceilings. The palace is surrounded by a number of ancient ruins like water pools and stone pillars as well as Hercules temple and Byzantine church and what makes the palace special is the animal statues and the place is visited by many tourists of different nationalities.


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