Iraqi forces continue advancement in cleansing Alramadi from ISIS

0 27

The Iraqi forces advanced in Alramadi in the last 24 hours reaching Althayla area, Medical college and Alramadi hospital cleansing the region from ISIS remnants and they are working on securing the security forces locations, the counter terrorism and the Anbar police headquarters.






The Iraqi forces advanced in Alramadi in the last 24 hours and cleansed most of the Southern regions of Alramadi province reaching Althayla area, Medical and Dentistry colleges and Alramadi hospital.

The forces succeeded in securing the security forces and the Anbar police headquarters as well as dismantling explosives used by ISIS which was very difficult since ISIS used new ways to implant it leading to a delay.

The Iraqi air forces and international coalition strikes on ISIS locations and the complete siege imposed for the last 6-7 weeks to weaken terrorists until the terrorist groups started hiding in civilian houses taking them as protection hostages.


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