Tunisia – National Salvation Front protest to demand removal of President Kais Saied


Hundreds of Tunisians took to the streets in capital Tunis in a protest organized by National Salvation Front to demand the removal of President Kais Saied.

The protest comes under the slogan of “until revolution is overthrown”, denouncing what the opposition called “a serious failure of President Saied in managing state affairs”, and opposing the “revolutionary” policy.

A24 correspondent reported that hundreds of Tunisians gathered in Amla square in the center of capital Tunis in response to the call of National Slavation Front to defend democracy and reject what the Front called “electoral farce”.

Protestors raised banners with the slogan “Leave”, which was not part of previous protests organized by the Front. Many Front leaders participated in the protest taking place in the streets of Tunis heading towards Avenue Habib Bourguiba.

National Salvation Front mentioned that security forces prevented people and buses from reaching Avenue Habib Bourqaiba to participate in the protest movement.

In his speech during the protest, the head of the Front, Ahmed Najib al-Shabi, said that “this power of steadfastness is the power to restore democracy and save Tunisia. It is our fate to gather here when needed until we reach an end to this revolution.”

He said “the upcoming legislative elections are a farce and will be held amid reluctance to participate and boycott of the public and most political parties, as they are held according to the law of Saied to serve his personal interests under the supervision of a non-independent body.”

The protest coincidenced with International Human Rights Day, to convey a message from National Salvation Front that the government of President Kais Saied “has committed clear and serious violations of human rights” starting with the events of July 25, 2021; in relation to military trials, and the imposition of unjustified compulsory residence on a number of officials; as well as repeated suspicious deaths in prisons.

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