Palestine – 74 years after The Nakba, displaced and refugee Palestinians continue to suffer


Location: Gaza – Palestine

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:05:56

Sound: Normal

Source: A24 subscribers

Restrictions: A24 clients

Dateline: 15/05/2022


On the 74th anniversary of The Nakba (Palestinian Catastrophe) that took place in 1948, Palestinians recall the tragedy that led to their displacement and lost them their homes, the land of their ancestors. Refugees mentioned their suffering and difficult living conditions in camps. The camps lack basic necessities and services. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has failed its mission. Refugees reminisce about the beauty of their homeland to mitigate their sorrow and suffering. They hope to return one day according to UN General Assembly resolution 194 that constitutes Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homes.


-Soundbite (Um Khattab – Refugee from Jaffa):

“I lived through The Nakba in 1948. We have suffered greatly through the years. We hope to return to our homeland. I left Palestine when I was in sixth grade, now I am 88 years old. I have children and grandchildren who I still tell that our home is Jaffa and that we will return to it one day.”

-Soundbite (Mother of Jamal Abu Ghaban – Refugee from Hiribya):

“My life is full of suffering, I have a family of 12 and we all live in a single room. We don’t have any furniture. The ceiling is prone to collapse. I am a refugee but refuse to be called so. I demand my land and my right to live. I have suffered greatly as have all Palestinians. We have no electricity, no water and no schools. Provisions were reduced. It has been 74 years and we are still deprived of our rights.”

-Soundbite (Jamal Abu Ghaban – Refugee from Hiribya): “It has been 74 years since The Nakba (Palestinian Catastrophe) and heart-wrenching displacement. Those living in refugee camps are miserable. We need the support of the International Community in our right to return to Palestine according to UN General Assembly resolution 194. As a Palestinian refugee who lived through The Nakba, the bloodshed and misery

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