Syria – Poplar rejection of the Syrian presidential elections in the presence of Iran and its pro- militias


The participants in the vigil held in Idlib, in the Sabaa Bahrat Square, declared their rejection of the presidential elections set on May 26 in Damascus. The coordinator of the revolutionary movement, Ibrahim Barish, stated that the main demand of the protestors is the establishment of a participatory national state in which the national components and honorable political currents contribute to its construction, emphasizing that the presidential elections will not be legitimate with the presence of 476 sites and points of foreign military presence in Syria, most notably the Iranian militias, and the presence of about 21 government security apparatus controlled by foreign militias loyal to Iran, the protestors also confirmed their rejection of Iran’s interference as an observer in the presidential elections. The protests included the support of the Palestinian people, who have been suffering from the shelling of Israeli warplane for seven days.


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