Syria – Between Syria and Lebanon, “Human smuggling” is Hezbollah’s career under eyes of Syrian government

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Idlib- Syria 10/12/2020

During the last 3 months, Human smuggling has increased between Syria and Lebanon and vice versa after it became under the supervision of Hezbollah’s militias on both sides of the borders in coordination with the local smugglers’ network. Those smugglers are wanted in Syria and they avoid entering the country officially through the official borders crossing. The Syrian citizen, Ammar Al-Abood, narrated to us that the prominent routes which the smugglers use to go from Syria towards Lebanon are through rough mountains and valleys on the sides of Al Masnaa Border Point that lead to Majdal Anjar village in Lebanon. The Syrians, who are willing to quit Syria or Lebanon due to the security pursuit or wanted for military services, contact those smugglers who arrange with government forces and get a commission for every person delivered to the destination.     


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