Syria – The Prosthetics Center continues to provide its services to amputees

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Qamishli – Hasakah – Syria 20.10.2020

The Prosthetics Center in Qamishli, Hasaka governorate, continues to provide its services to amputees from the north and east of Syria who has lost their limbs due to the ongoing war in the region, especially in the face of ISIS. According to officials in the center supported by the Kurdish Red Crescent, they have installed prosthetic limbs for about 5,000 people of different ages. The center employs eight young men and women, but it suffers from a shortage of materials and tools necessary for their work, in addition to the absence of international organizations to support the center. The cost of the Prosthetic limb is more than 3 million and a half Syrian Lira, equivalent to approximately 1500 US dollars. The main obstacles are the access to materials and tools and the difficulty in reaching the center is.


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