Tunisia: “Zalabiya and Makhareq”, special sweets for Tunisian Families in Ramadan.

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Tunisian Capital- Tunisia – 11/6/2016

Tunisians are characterized for their interest and their determination to maintain food traditions their habits especially in the holy month of Ramadan, the sweets “Zalabiya and Makhareq” are the most famous on the tables of Tunisian families for their originality in the dietary habits of Tunisia.





Tunisians are characterized for their interest and their determination to maintain food traditions their habits especially in the holy month of Ramadan, the sweets “Zalabiya and Makhareq” are the most famous on the tables of Tunisian families which is inherited from ancestors as it is original and special in the dietary habits of Tunisia.
Zalabiya are made of circular shapes punctuated by tiny holes, prepared from a mixture of flour and oil, eggs, left for a period of time to ferment then it is Fried in oil, then filled with honey and a bright yellow color, while Makhareq is rectangular or circular shape prepared with ghee and fried immersed in the oil and honey.
Zalabiya and Makhareq shops are spread in Tunisia and such places usually changes the nature of its activity during the month of Ramadan and are limited to industry of desserts with wide demand for Tunisians.



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