Syria- Qamishli residents visit cemeteries of war victims and violence on the first day of Eid

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Al-Qamishli – Hasaka Province – Syria 24/05/2020

Most of the residents of Qamishli city in the province of Hasaka in northeastern Syria spend the early hours of Eid al-Fitr in cemeteries with the of eid al-Fitr’s takbirat in the city’s mosques, recalling those who lost them in the war that was going on with ISIS in the region and the violence that has taken place in the country and continues to increase the number of cemeteries more than before, citizens pointed out that the previous Eid had a special taste, the family gathers and exchanges visits with relatives in a joyous atmosphere, and children go out in the streets to congratulate and support the family and neighbors, this phenomenon, which was erased by the war, was considered one of the traditional customs that characterize the region.


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