Tunisia: The role of cultural tourism in the fight against terrorism among the youth.

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Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO) in the Tunisian capital held a press conference with the title “The role of cultural tourism in the fight against terrorism phenomenon among the youth,” where the culture has become the focus of the overall development and sustainable operation


Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO) in the Tunisian capital held a press conference with the title “The role of cultural tourism in the fight against terrorism phenomenon among the youth,” where the culture has become the focus of the overall development and sustainable operation.

During the press conference, Assistant of Arab League Mr. Abdul Latif Obaid stressed that the culture has become the focus of the overall development and sustainable process. On the other hand, we find that the Arab culture, and despite the historical size and openness of their people to other cultures, it us living in a major crisis present time mainly due to noy employing combat the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism, the Arab culture became the weakest link in addressing extremist ideology, which now invades the minds of Arab youth.

For his part, a member of the International Society for tourism Mr. Muez Qasim talked about the importance of cultural tourism for young people, The openness of young people and their involvement in the tourism business is very important for communication and the exchange of cultures and it is positive communication with tourists and all this make them opens up more and more and leave the isolation which leads to extremism



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