Palestine: Nakba Anniversary in Ramallah

0 27

The people of Ramallah, central West Bank recall the 68th anniversary of the Nakba in 1948, which has seen the displacement of approximately 800 thousand Palestinians, by a march set off from the Orthodox club towards Yasser Arafat Square.

These Palestinian flags and models of keys symbolizing the right of return to the homes, and these black flags adorned with the writings of the right of return and the musical instrumentals that reflect the tragedy of the Palestinian people in the Nakba of 1948, all these are to recall the 68th anniversary of the Nakba in the city of Ramallah, central West Bank, by a march set off from the Orthodox club toward Yasser Arafat Square.

Hundreds of residents of the city are reviving the anniversary while facing many challenges like the division.

It is noteworthy that there are more than 6 million Palestinian refugees waiting for the right of return to their homes and among them there are two million refugees on the Jordanian territory


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