Palestine: The only artificial limbs center eases the suffering of disabled

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Gaza strip southern Palestine contains a center for “prosthetics” provides an advanced service for those who lost limbs in the sector, and that group is growing among Palestinians, and this center is described as the best in the region and is seeking “ISO” quality certificate in this field.

The orthopedic center in Gaza Strip offers a service for those who have lost limbs for various reasons, wether it was from illness or as a result of the bombing that the sector suffered years ago, the center saves people the effort of traveling abroad as well as high financial costs.

The center, which was founded since more than thirty years is described as the best in the region and is seeking “ISO” quality certificate in the field of limbs manufacturing in light of the advanced services that it provides for the injured and the sick.

International organizations undertook to cover part of the prices of the artificial limbs which are made by the center, and are also helping in providing the basic materials, in spite of that, the most important problems that face the center is to find the materials and get it to the center, where Gaza Strip is living under permanent siege and it’s not easy to bring in the necessary material, unless by making large orders in agreement with the International Red Cross, directly from the agent after a long and arduous process of coordination of up to six months.



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