operation : Popular mobilization forces lead the first successful operation in Mosul.

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National crowd commander, Athil Al-Nujaifii, announced during a press he held in Erbil, northern Iraq, that the National Crowd forces in Ba’shiqah area north of Mosul forces, in cooperation with the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the international coalition forces were able to implement the first security operation to cleanse the northern areas in the city of Mosul of ISIS.

A press conference was held by the National crowd commander Athil Al-Junaifi, in the city of Erbil to announce the success of the first security operation to cleanse the areas in northern Mosul, in cooperation with the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the international coalition of Turkish and American forces, where they were able to successfully liberate the villages of Noran and Parimeh, and the national crowd forces proved great abilities and potentials in the implementation of security operations.

It is noteworthy that this was the first operation of its kind led by the national crowd forces in order to liberate the areas controlled by ISIS.



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