Syria: Electricity is gradually returning to Hasaka.

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Maintenance operations to electricity grids in Hasaka province, northeastern Syria, have recently began by technicians and engineers from various electricity institutions in the area, which contributed to a gradual return of electricity to most areas of Hasaka.





Under the supervision of Amouda power management and Derbassiyah Electric Institution, technicians and engineers continued the maintenance of most of the electricity networks in Hasaka province, northeastern Syria, and these maintenance operations included networks, transformers and stations in general, as the committee of the Energy Authority have made maintenance work in October dam provide all Hasaka areas with electricity.

In spite of that electricity has yet to reach all areas of Hasaka, but Amouda electricity station is intensifying its efforts to bring electricity back to all Rogge Ava areas.

It is noteworthy that the province of Hasaka suffered during the last period of serious damage in most of the infrastructure by members of ISIS.


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