Jordan: Ban Ki-moon press conference in Amman

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A press Conference was held on Sunday in the Jordanian capital,Amman, between Jordanian foreign Minister Nasser Joudeh and Planning Minister Imad Fakhoury on one hand, and between the Seretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, and Central Bank President Jim Kim on the other hand, addressed the economic aspects and the humanitarian situation of the Syrians refugees,

and political issues of mutual interest.



A press Conference was held on Sunday in the Jordanian capital, Amman, between Jordanian foreign Minister Nasser Joudeh and Planning Minister Imad Fakhoury on one hand, and between UN 


Seretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Central Bank President Jim Kim on the other hand. Nasser Judeh pointed out during the conference the role that the United Nations play in Supporting Jordan and its efforts in fighting terrorism and extremism.

While Ban Ki-moon stressed the role Jordan plays in the presentation of proposals for humanitarian aid and Refugees, and the international commitment to help Jordan cope with the effects of the Syrian crisis by providing immediate humanitarian aid.

Al-Fakhori explained the importance of the role of the international community to help Jordan providing a safe haven in light of the scarcity of potentials, and theWorld Bank will provide facilities totaling $100 million to Jordan in order to create 100 thousand new jobs for Jordanians and Syrians refugees in the next five years.



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