Tunisia: Tunisians commemorate the martyrs of the Bardo Museum.

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The Tunisian president Albaji Qaed Essebsi and during the first anniversary of the incident of Bardo museum lifted the curtain on a mosaic panel with victims pictures and names in the presence of members of the government and members of the House of Representatives and ambassadors, ministers and local officials in the government.



In an atmosphere filled with emotions, Tunisians revived the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on Bardo museum in Tunisia last year that killed twenty-two people from tourists and Tunisians and at that time raised attention of the international public opinion.
The Tunisian Ministry of Culture has organized an event at the Bardo Museum through the installation of a huge 40 meter mosaic of a photographs of the victims with Roman designs where a 100 people worked on for more than five months in El Jem. The Tunisian president Albaji Qaed Essebsi lifted the curtain on the painting during an official ceremony in the presence of members of the government and members of the House of Representatives and ambassadors, ministers and government officials, as well as the presence of music orchestras which played 125-year-old melody played for the first time in Bardo for the first time in the Bardo Museum to commemorate the lives of the victims of the terrorist attack.



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