Yemen: Electricity crisis

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Aden province is witnessing a continued disruption in electricity which exceeds 10 hours some days due to the damage of the “Alhaswa” Thermoelectric power generation increasing the suffering of the Yemeni people as well as the owners of commercial shops.




Aden province is witnessing a continued disruption in electricity which exceeds 10 hours some days due to the damage of the “Alhaswa” Thermoelectric power generation increasing the suffering of the Yemeni people as well as the owners of commercial shops.

Aden needs around 400 mega watts in the summer while Alhaswa station produces 35 mega watts only after producing 150 mega watts which is the cause of the continued disruption of electricity for more than 8 hours since what is available for Aden and other provinces is only 140 Mega watts.

Alhaswa thermoelectric station contains 6 boilers each producing 25 mega watts but due to the war in Aden, only two are working now and the rest need fixing and spare parts.



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