Syria: Kurdish forces defeat ISIS in Tel Abyad.

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Syria Democratic forces were able to stop another ISIS attempt to regain control over Tel Abyad of Aljazeera district in Syria after the entered the city disguised in Self protection unit uniform and they killed 20 civilians.




Syria Democratic forces were able to stop another ISIS attempt to regain control over Tel Abyad of Aljazeera district in Syria which they escaped from after Syria democratic forces attack, after the entered the city from Alraqa disguised in Self protection unit uniform and they killed 20 civilians.

Syria democratic forces were able to destroy the enemy after a fierce battle that lasted 4 days as they killed a 100 ISIS member who killed 20 civilian and injured 15 others.

Tel Abyad is 100km away from Alraqa city which is ISIS organization Capital and its importance comes as it is a connection to Aljazeera district region.



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